Sample POST Form with (PHP)
This is a sample PHP script of how you would ideally integrate with Payments Gateway
************(A.) INTEGRATING ***********************************************
//Data needed by a fair share of it obtained from the user from a form e.g email, number etc...
$fields = array("live"=> "0",
"oref"=> "87655",
"cn"=> "John Karis",
"amt"=> "900",
"tel"=> "256712375678",
"eml"=> "",
"curr"=> "KES",
************(b.) GENERATING THE HASH PARAMETER FROM THE DATASTRING *********************************
The datastring IS concatenated from the data above
$datastring = $fields['live'].$fields['oref'].$fields['amt'].$fields['tel'].$fields['eml'].$fields['cc'];
$hashkey ="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";//use provide secret key provide during registration
* Generating the HashString sample
$generated_hash = hash_hmac('sha1',$datastring , $hashkey);
/* Generate the form BELOW */
<form action="">
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
echo $key;
echo, \' :<input name="\'.$key.\'" type="text" value="\'.$value.\'"></br>';
<input name="hsh" type="text" value="<?php echo $generated_hash ?>">
<button type="submit"> Pay </button>